Foundation: Vision 

In order to be successful, the Vision for your Digital Workforce should directly align with corporate strategy and should work towards achieving aligned business objectives.  

The vision should be cascaded from the top of the organization to ensure that the transformational change required to establish a successful capability is embraced and supported by all key stakeholders across the company. Having an Executive Sponsor in place who can support the RPA program and remove obstacles is an essential element, no matter where you are on your RPA journey. 

In order to succeed, the project will require buy-in from a core group of stakeholders, spanning the business and IT, who will use their unified vision to get the rest of the company on board with the cultural change that automation will bring. 

Unlike other technology-driven initiatives, automation is most successful when it is driven by the business and supported by IT. Since the business realises the efficiency and productivity benefits, it is best positioned to understand the goals and determine success for the endeavour and be the driving force behind the change. 

IT has its own enterprise-grade standards that need to be met, and will be instrumental in giving the digital workforce the data centre access it needs to be truly effective. 

Until you can articulate a clear shared vision, you are unlikely to win over all the key stakeholders that you need in an organization to make your implementation a success. 

We provide information to help you create and establish your vision and strategy within this section. 

Key Benefits of RPA

Increased efficiency and productivity:

  • Automation of processing activity releases human capacity and results in efficiency gains​
  • Enables humans to focus on higher-value judgement based decision -making  and customer relationships​

Greater operational agility:

  • Automations are quick to develop and deploy, and components are re-usable​
  • Ability to interact with any application​
  • Robots can be managed and scheduled centrally, and work can be instantly reallocated to manage demand peaks​

Reduced operational risk:

  • Higher Quality & Consistency​
  • Process automation results in standardization of best practice​
  • Complete eradication of processing  errors​

Superior control, governance and IT security:

  • Standardization of processes to improve control and consistency
  • Increased security and privacy when handling sensitive customer data ​
  • Segregation of roles between development and operations​

Enhanced business insight:

  • Wealth of transactional data captured in audit logs provides a foundation for delivering true business insight​


To help you build an RPA vision and strategy we highly recommend that you take our checklist into consideration:

Success Accelerator

Blue Prism’s Success Accelerator program combines various levels of mentorship and access to our Expert Services, Technology Ecosystem and Certified Partners based on the size and maturity of your digital workforce operations.