Skills and Responsibilities

There are a number of skills within the Blue Prism ROM which are recommended to deploy a successful Digital Workforce. There are variations of the levels of these skills, but fundamentally they are:

Additional skills which become increasingly important in their own right as a capability matures are:

It is recommended that: 

  • All skills and responsibilities are clearly defined
  • All functions are represented within the team, although not necessarily by individuals performing each skill. For example, in the beginning a Head of RPA may perform some development work
  • There is clear segregation of duties within the team
  • ROM Architect is included within the team. When starting out this may be provided by a partner or may be performed as part of the skill of Head of RPA. They are responsible for managing the creation of the Blue Prism delivery capability.  
Blue Prism University

Blue Prism University provides mature upskilling paths for all roles with formal certificates for the principal roles